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Weekly Bible Study

Peace offers a variety of group Bible Studies throughout the year with a variety of topics and interests.


Typically most Bible Studies are held from fall to spring, within small groups of 10-30 participants, that meet once per week and last 4-6 weeks or longer.  Anyone is welcome.  Check this page often, as studies will change.

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Sundays, 9:40am


Adult, YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS MOMENT: Courage for Today and Hope for Tomorrow,  Led by Heidi and Brian Chaplin in Room #119 (5th Grade Room)


Are you weary? Worn out by the bills that keep stacking, a constant cycle of bad news streaming in from every corner of the earth, or a heart that keeps aching? If so, the book of Esther brings welcome news: Relief will come!


When life seems off the rails, remember this truth: the minute you bow your head to pray is the moment God lifts his hand to help.

Join your Peace Family for this Bible study as we learn and are reminded to:

  • Put our hope in the God of grand reversals, trusting that God will right every wrong

  • Cultivate courage for our challenging times by leaning on the God who redeems and restores

  • Discover our role in God's story by exploring how God can use our experiences and circumstances to join him in his holy work


God never promised us a life without trials, but he does promise to be with us as we walk through them. Trust that he can redeem your struggles for a mighty purpose. You, friend, were made for this moment.



Adult, A TIME TO LAUGH …OR CRY: An Overview of the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi, Eric Reithmeier, in Rm #203 (6th Grade Room)

What a delight it is to laugh and laugh hard.  What a relief it is to cry and cry hard.  A Time to Laugh…or Cry overviews the activity of man in the Old Testament - a time to cry because of mankind’s stubbornness and sin and a time to laugh because of God’s reaction to mankind’s sin expressed in the Messiah.  The thread of the Messiah is followed throughout.  In all lessons, both God and man will laugh and cry.  


Please join us for this overview of the Old Testament. â€‹


JYM/High School Bible Study (Students 5th-12th Grade), with Holly Nelson, in the Media Center (#301)

Join us for AMPLIFY: Growing a Faith That Lasts. This is going to be a really exciting Bible study, as your youth is going to learn foundational concepts critical to building a lasting faith.  God’s Word is the foundation for our relationship with Him, and we’re challenged to consider what it looks like to live a life shaped by God and His Word.

Sundays during our 10:30am service


KIDZONE (Students age 4 - 4th Grade), with Holly Nelson and team

With Simply Loved, we will explore a foundational, Jesus-centered journey through God’s story of Love. Each week, every message and activity sets the stage to help children more intentionally grow their friendship with Jesus.



Wednesdays, 10:00am,  Adult, GALATIANS, with Pat Klein, AT PEACE, Gathering Room WILL RESUME IN JANUARY 2025

The book of Galatians reminds Jesus' followers to embrace the Gospel message of the crucified Messiah, that justifies all people through faith and empowers them to live like Jesus did. 



Wednesdays, 6:30pm, 


AT PEACE, Room #203 (6th Grade Room)

This study is part of the LifeLight Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ.


Focusing on the vital importance of sound doctrine (that is, teaching), Paul writes to Timothy that the Gospel is essential to the church's life, for it gives the divine gift of faith even to blasphemers and persecutors and violent men. Yet the Law is also good, and it must be used properly. The church's faithful teaching of the pure Word of God-both Law and Gospel-must never become mixed with false teachings, because such falsehoods will only lead people away from the faith.


Adult, TBA: ADULT BIBLE STUDY /Jeff Desano, in Room #207 (8th Grade Room)

The Anxious for Nothing Study Guide provides individuals and small groups with a roadmap for overcoming anxiety and finding lasting peace.


Do you feel weighted down with worry? Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Are irrational fears your constant companion? Could you just use some calm?

In this five-session video Bible study explores in detail God's treatment plan for anxiety found in the most underlined verse in the Bible, Philippians 4:6–7.


As you follow the biblical prescription for anxiety--celebrating God's goodness, asking for his help, leaving your concerns with him, and meditating on good things--you will learn how to experience God's peace. This is a peace that "transcends all understanding" and will help you reframe the way you look at your fears.


While anxiety is a part of life, it doesn't have to dominate your life. You can discover a life of calm and develop tools for combating the onslaught of worry.


Wednesdays ZOOM, 7:00pm​, 

Adult, THE EPISTLES OF JOHN, with Deacon Jim Schurig, ON ZOOM

The Epistles of John are a collection of letters written by John to encourage Christians to maintain their faith and to live a moral life. The letters' main themes include: 


Love and fellowship with God

The letters describe how to test if a person's communion with God is genuine. 


Authentic Christian faith

The letters teach that believing in Jesus as the Son of God, loving others, and obeying His commands are signs of an authentic Christian faith. 


Resisting heresy

The letters urge Christians to reject heretical teachings and to hold fast to what they have been taught. 


Imitating Christ

The letters encourage Christians to live a moral life by imitating Christ and keeping the Commandments, especially the commandment to love one another. 


Standing firm against discord

The letters were written to help churches stand firm against those who wanted to sow discord among them


Join us for the study of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John.


*Zoom link is sent out in the enews.  Please contact the office with questions.



Thursday Bible Study


Thursdays, 6:30pm, Women's Bible Study, "REVELATION," led by Marianne Iselli, in the Gathering Room WILL RESUME IN SPRING 2025

Revelation promises a world where pain and tears and death pass away. Revelation reminds us that there is indeed hope beyond the momentary trials and struggles of this life. One day the darkness will pass away, and believers in Christ will all dwell in perpetual light. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!  Join us for this Bible study on the last book of the Bible.





2nd/4th Saturdays, 7:30am

​Adult, Men's, ROMANS, with Pat Longtin, at Peace, in Rm# 203

In Apostle Paul's letter to the Roman church, he explains how salvation is offered throughout the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only faith in Jesus can restore God's plan for his people.

Churchwide Fall Campaign

Each fall our entire congregation gets involved in a church-wide sermon series and Bible study.  Peace offers a variety of Bible study sessions at convenient times throughout the week, encouraging everyone to participate.  Groups are held on and off campus, and sometimes include childcare.  Everyone is welcome to participate.  Check back in the fall for information on our 2024 studies.

Peace Lutheran Church and School   |   6580 24 Mile Road | Shelby Township, MI 48316 |   586.731.4120
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